April 16, 2009

Enlightening Thought #7

OK, I'll admit it; I'm a complainer. I complain about everything, from having too much homework to being bored and having nothing to do. From being fat to being hungry. From being lonely to being hated. Etc etc.

So if you're anything like me, here's some advice that I, too, need to follow: Nobody likes complainers. And if you're so damned passionate and vocal about how much your life sucks, then get off your fat ass go do something!

If you have too much homework, shut up and start plowing away at it. If you have nothing to do, go help out around the house. If you're fat, then go jog! If you're hungry, use your common sense and eat something.

I will reiterate. If you feel lonely and/or hated, now you know why. You complain. Either suck it up and deal with it or, even better,

Shut the fuck up and change yourself.


  1. I think that maybe you should follow your own advice...

    You just made a blog complaining about complainers...

    Did that even make sense?

    ~Crazy anon

  2. @Crazy Anon -
    That was Jenn's point for the entry... dur :D

  3. I totally agree
    You are a super genius :D


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